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Do not underestimate stomach acid, may trigger cancer !

Many people who see eye pain because of increased gastric acid. Although gastric acid the body needs but if the levels are high can cause ulcers.

According to doctors at the RSCM, Syam Ari Fachrial ignored if the stomach acid will eventually lead to cancer.

"If the bitter mouth, chest pain, discomfort around the pit of the stomach, the symptoms of stomach acid is high," said Ari at the RSCM, Jakarta, Monday (09/07/2012).

According to Ari, if this is allowed acid contained in the stomach to rise into the esophagus. Esophageal acid exposure can be injured and damaged.

"The cells in the body is always changing, if anything could be exposed to cancer, including esophageal acid exposure of the stomach," said Ari.

To that end, Ari said the importance of a healthy lifestyle. But if we have experienced a rise of stomach acid, your doctor should be addressed, and must take medication. In addition, we need to control your weight, and do not underestimate the symptoms.

"Early detection remains low us, plus the lack of treatment. So keep living patterns, such as eating less fatty foods, alcoholic beverages, and tobacco consumption," he said.

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